Show-Safe Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Show-Safe’s mission?

Show-Safe promotes a safe and thriving environment for all in the dog show community through education, immediate response, aftercare, and leadership development

What are Show-Safe’s core values?

Our core values are:

  • Integrity: Upholding transparency and accountability.
  • Respect: Valuing the dignity of every participant.
  • Safety: Prioritizing the protection of all participants and their dogs.
  • Advocacy: Promoting policies that deter misconduct.
  • Collaboration: Building partnerships and future leaders that promote safe, inclusive environments.

Who can join Show-Safe?

Show-Safe welcomes all who are committed to fostering safety, respect, and integrity within the dog show community to become a Show-Safe member and offers several levels of individual, family, and organization memberships.

How do I become a member or advocate for Show-Safe?

To join, please complete the membership application form and pay the membership fee on our website and agree to abide by our policies.

What are the benefits and costs of the different memberships?

The main benefit for any level of membership is that you or your organization are actively supporting the impactful work that we are doing. Secondarily, each level of membership includes its own benefits as follows:

Individual/Family Membership Tiers:

  • Junior (free): Individual membership for those under 18
  • Supporter ($30/year): Basic membership includes newsletters and event updates.
  • Champion ($100/year): Includes a pin, newsletters, and event updates.
  • Family ($150/year): Includes up to six Supporter pins, newsletters, and event updates.
  • Platinum ($1,000/year): Includes a pin, recognition on the website and social media, priority event registration, and a holiday card.
  • Lifetime ($2,500 one-time): Includes recognition on the website and social media, priority event registration, priority seating at events, and a holiday card.

Kennel Club and Organization Membership Tiers:

  • Supporter ($500/year): Includes signage at yearly events.
  • Champion ($1,000/year): Includes signage at events and a Christmas card.
  • Platinum ($2,500/year): Includes event signage and a Christmas card.
  • Lifetime ($10,000 or more): Includes event signage, website and social media recognition, priority event registration, and a Christmas card.

What is a Show-Safe Advocate and how do I become one?

Advocates are an elite category of Safe-Show partner that is by invitation only. This volunteer status is reserved for individuals that are above reproach in safe practices and integrity; have demonstrated dedication to the sport; advocate for Show-Safe’s mission; and promote safety and well-being for dogs and humans. ; Advocates are committed to upholding Show-Safe’s values and standards.

How are funds raised by Show-Safe used?

Donated funds and membership fees support the administration and implementation of our educational programs, advocacy efforts, emergency response initiatives, aftercare programs, and leadership development. Transparency is key; we regularly provide financial reports to ensure accountability.

How does Show-Safe define “misconduct”?

The Safe-Show definition of abuse and misconduct includes, but is not limited to: sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, harassment, exploitation, human trafficking, bullying, grooming, and stalking.

What should I do if I witness or experience misconduct at a dog show?

If you experience or witness misconduct, Show-Safe offers a 24/7 hotline that provides a secondary layer of support in addition to first responders like 911 or law enforcement. We can support you in finding the right professional resources and exploring next steps to ensure safety for whomever is at risk., Show-Safe offers a confidential reporting system you can call in addition or instead of event organizers. Your safety and privacy are our priorities. If a child calls the Show-Safe hotline or someone calls on behalf of a child, Show-Safe will be bound by all applicable laws, including child abuse reporting. The hotline number is 1-888-474-9723.

Does Show-Safe partner with other organizations?

Yes, we actively collaborate with dog show clubs, associations, advocacy groups, and other local and national resources to promote awareness and implement effective safety measures.

How does Show-Safe interact with the American Kennel Club (AKC)?

Show-Safe respects and supports the mission of the AKC. While we operate independently, we aim to complement their efforts by providing education and resources that enhance safety within the dog show community.

Can Show-Safe assist individuals who have been affected by prior misconduct?

Yes, we offer resources, guidance, and connections to counseling or legal assistance for individuals who have been affected. Please contact us confidentially for support at 1-888-263-0460.

Does Show-Safe provide support for junior handlers?

Yes, we have initiatives to educate and protect junior handlers, ensuring that their experiences in the dog show community are safe and positive.

Do you serve older adults as well?

Yes, Show-Safe provides education, immediate response, and aftercare services regarding every person in our dog show community, including situations where older individuals are abused or taken advantage of.